Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Looking Back at the Humboldt State University Brass Chamber Music Workshop

One of my first posts in this highly occasional blog was a description of and introduction to the Humboldt State University Brass Chamber Workshop. It's a program I love and with which I've been associated for many years -- since 1985 as a coach and in 1981 and 1982 as a participant. Chamber music involves an intimacy of both music and friendship -- at least, it should, -- and of all the possible meanings the Workshop has for me, the friendships are chief among my treasured memories.

I just sent a few photos to a "brass camp" friend of mine, causing me to rummage through all my saved HSUBCMW pix, and it occurred to me that I should share them with the world in some manner. So, here you are.

There are shortcomings, of course. I've lost a lot of the photos I once had. Some shots are just bad shots. Some years, I took no photos. Some people appear more often than others. And so on.

But there are positives, too. Some of these pix will be of area attractions that not all participants have visited. Some will include people who didn't know I was taking their picture. Many, I hope, will bring back fun memories to those who've been there, and for those who haven't, perhaps you'll be enticed to go some year.

Comments and questions are welcome, and I have but one request. If anyone took a photo of the 2018 coaches' performance, I'd sure like to have a copy. Pretty sure I don't have one. Thanks.

My purpose in posting is not to display my activities at Humboldt, but obviously I'll appear in a bunch of the shots. My purpose, since it's so easy to upload digital memories, is just to share with the BCMW family a bunch of pix you might enjoy. So, Enjoy!